Farmers Market
Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing
Vendor Regulations and Rules 2025

Prospective Vendors:

Read these rules and regulations carefully before signing below. Keep a copy for your records – these rules are a part of your agreement with Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc.’s Farmer’s Market (hereinafter “the Market”). Please return a signed copy with your application. Failure to observe these rules and regulations may result in suspension or termination of your Market participation. If you have questions, contact the Market Managers or Riverside’s Historic Site Manager.

Market Location and Time:

  1. Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing 7410 Moorman Road, Louisville, KY 40272
  2. Day/Times: Sundays, 10:00 am to 1:00 PM
  3. Season: Sunday, June 1, 2025 to Sunday, September 28, 2025
  4. One exception will be: Sunday, August 31, 2025 when the market will be closed for Labor Day Weekend.
  5. This season represents 17 Sundays with the removal of the Sunday of Labor Day.

Vendor Membership Fee:

  1. All vendors must be paid members of the Market.
  2. Annual (full season) vendor membership fee is $125 for 2025—for Early Bird Registrants ONLY. Early Bird Registrants must complete the Signed Market Vendor Application, receive approval, then pay a minimum of $62.50 (half the full registration fee) by March 31, 2025. The fee is nonrefundable.
  3. Early Bird Registrants must pay the remaining balance of their annual membership fee by May 2, 2025.
  4. Early Bird Vendors are eligible to vend at Riverside’s Annual Plant & Herb Sale free-of-charge on Friday, April 11 (3-7 PM) and Saturday, April 12, 2025 (8 AM – 3 PM).
  5. Annual vendor membership fees received after March 31, 2025 will be $200 for the full season.
  6. Guest vendors (produce, crafts, etc.) will pay a fee of $75 per session and must receive the approval of the Market Managers or Historic Site Manager (who coordinate closely) to attend. Please note your participation must be approved to participate on a particular date.
  7. Guest, food truck, breakfast and lunch vendors will pay a $75 promotion fee each week, exempting them from the annual market membership fee.
  8. Checks should be made out to “Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc.”
  9. 100% of the fees paid will be used to support the coordination and promotion of the Market.
  10. All fees must be paid in advance. NOTE: Riverside’s website is set up to accept payment online.

The Market will be governed by the Board of Directors of Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc. with advisement from a Market Community Advisory Committee.

  1. The Market Community Advisory Committee will be made up of vendors, representatives from Riverside’s staff and board, and other interested community volunteers. The committee’s membership will not exceed 10 members.
  2. Riverside’s Market seeks to maintain a vendor distribution in the following categories:
    1. Fruits/Vegetables
    2. Eggs/Meats/Cheeses/Mushrooms
    3. Plants/Cut Flowers
    4. Baked Goods/Jams/Jellies
    5. Honey/Herbs/Soaps/Candles
    6. Locally produced crafts (Advisory Committee will seek to keep craft vendors at 20% or less of all vendors and will try to ensure a variety of crafts are represented.)
    7. Prepared foods
  3. Some vending spaces will be reserved for use by nonprofit organizations and approved groups.
  4. Day-to-day management of the Market will be the responsibility of Riverside’s Market Manager.
  5. The Market Advisory Committee will make every effort to recruit farmers who are representative of the diversity in our community.
  6. Grievance procedure:
    1. Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc. is responsible for the enforcement of the rules. Any formal complaints or grievances should be submitted in writing to the Market Manager, or the Site Manager of Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing.
    2. Decisions of the Board of Directors of Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc. are final as to all matters involving the operation of the Riverside Market.

Product Sales and Regulations

  1. Participation in the Market as a vendor requires the submission of an application and a signed Rules and Regulations form as well as acceptance by Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc.
  2. All products and produce sold by vendors must be locally produced or grown by individuals, families, groups, or farms. Locally-grown or produced is defined as Kentucky or Southern Indiana (from Bloomington, IN south to KY). Products using locally-grown produce and animals are allowed including: baked goods, cheese, jams, jellies, soaps, oils, condiments, etc.
  3. In addition to agricultural, horticultural, and food items, nonedible products may be sold at the Market. This includes: dried flowers, body care products, candles, etc. Materials must be found, grown, foraged or produced by the producer or on a local farm or land.
  4. Consignment selling is permitted provided produce/products are grown/processed locally, as defined above.
  5. Only those items listed on the vendor’s confirmation letter may be sold. Vendors must notify the Market in writing (text or email is acceptable) of any proposed changes before bringing any previously unlisted items to the Market.
  6. The Market Manager has the discretion to make allowances or exceptions for the sale of the items not listed on a vendor’s confirmation letter, and/or sale of non-resident products (items not made or grown locally) based on potential benefit to the overall appeal and attractiveness of the Market. Exceptions may include food and drink items sold by food service vendors.
  7. Vendors are responsible for ensuring that their products or produce complies with USDA standards and guidelines.
  8. The Market reserves the right to inspect or spot-visit any farm or establishment that is the source of any items sold or distributed at the Market, providing prior notice if possible, as necessary throughout the season.
  9. Produce offered for sale must be grown, harvested, and cared for postharvest to ensure customers receive fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables. Culls and produce with only a limited shelf-life remaining, which may be useful for processing (ie. Sauces), must be labeled as such. The Market Manager may require the vendor to remove poor quality produce. It is hereby acknowledged that the undersigned vendor is solely responsible for the quality and removal of unsellable goods.
  10. All produce or products labeled organic must be third-party certified per USDA standards by a recognized organic certifying agency. Certification letters must be available for inspection at your stand. Verbal or written declarations of organic status that are not documented as required will result in suspension or termination from the Market.
  11. Vendors will determine their own pricing. Vendors are expected to refrain from engaging in the systematic or deliberate underselling of other vendors.
  12. No live animals will be sold at the Market.
  13. No drugs or alcoholic beverages will be used or sold at the Market.
  14. Smoking and vaping are prohibited at the Market.
  15. No political materials or signage displayed.
  16. The Market is not able to guarantee access to electricity during the 2025 season. If your stand requires electricity, talk to the Market Manager and/or Riverside’s Historic Site Manager to see if your request can be accommodated.
  17. Vendors are expected to participate in two meetings, one at the start of the Market season and another after the season is over. These may be held in person or virtually.
  18. Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc.’s Rules and Regulations will be reviewed annually but may be amended or revised as determined by the Market Manager and the board of Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc.
  19. Riverside does NOT permit booths set up by children (i.e., lemonade stands, bake sales, team/school candy sales, etc.).
  20. Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing, Inc. and the Parks Department may host other public events (or rent other areas of the property out to private individuals/parties) as part of its operation on Sundays. Both parties will do their best to ensure that such activities do not interfere with the operation of the farmer’s market. In some cases, these events can bring more customers to the Market. The vendors and Market Manager will work to ensure that reasonable measures can be taken to accommodate these other activities (i.e., sharing the parking area).

Rules of Operation

  1. The Market will be open for business at 10:00 am on designated Sundays. Vendors should arrive prior to 9:30 am and be set up to sell by 10:00 am. The Market will close at 1:00 PM.
  2. Vendors are expected to furnish their own tables, chairs, tents, and any other equipment needed to operate their stand.
  3. Tents must be weighted with 10 lbs – 25 lbs weights per tent pole in the event of windy conditions.
  4. Vendors are responsible for handling all aspects of their sales (i.e., cash boxes, credit card processing, sales tax collection, etc).
  5. Vendors will maintain their stand/booth until the pre-determined time of closing and will not engage in selling prior to Market opening or after Market closing.
  6. Prices for all Market items must be visibly posted.
  7. Vendors must operate their stands/booths in a safe and sanitary manner, arrange their tables to create an attractive display, keep their areas clear of debris, and keep their edible products off the ground. Vendors are required to keep their spaces clean and pick up their own trash.
  8. Vendors must be honest and courteous at all times. Disagreements with other vendors, the Market Manager, Market Advisory Committee, or customers must be handled in a respectful manner.
  9. Vendors are individually responsible for conforming to all city, state, and federal laws, including securing licenses or certifications required for the operation of their Market space and for the items they sell or distribute at the Market. Vendors selling non-consumable items will comply with and satisfy their sales tax obligations.
  10. All scales used must be legal trade, made for commercial use, and be inspected and sealed annually by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) Division of Regulation and Inspection.
  11. Vendors who cannot attend the Market on any particular market day are expected to notify the Market Manager 24 to 48 hours in advance. Absences without notice may result in space reassignment or termination from the Market.
  12. Vendors are asked to provide their own paper bags to customers. Plastic bags are allowed, but not preferred.
  13. All pets at the market must be on a leash at all times per city ordinance.


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