Mail your order to:
Riverside Museum Store Orders
Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing
7410 Moorman Road
Louisville, KY 40272
Phone: (502) 935-6809 Fax: (502) 935-6821*
* Faxed orders must be paid by Visa or Mastercard.
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Quantity | Code Letter | Description | Price |
Merchandise Total: ________________
Shipping/Handling*: ________________ ( *Add $4.00 to first item and $1.00 to each additional item. )
* Kentucky residents please add 6% sales tax to purchase.
Total: ________________
I am enclosing a check for $__________ made payable to: Riverside, the Farnsley-Moremen Landing.
Charge my Visa or Mastercard (circle one) for $__________
Account Number:____________________ Expiration Date:________